Thursday, September 18, 2008

A good day

My husband got his payrise today finally, the boss has been hiding from him, so yah for one less stress in my life, he is now on salary, at first when he said figure i thought it was a bit less that he should get, but after factoring in work ute, fuel and phone over the year it is what he actually wanted, so that was good news

And i had plans to go out with one of the mums from one of my forums today, she come over to pick me up, then when we got there i was suprised by a lot of the other mums from the forum, was a lovely surprise, they gave me a hamper filled with goodies and a card, so thankyou very much girls :) It was very much appreciated

so a very good day for me today

actually things in general are better, won't lie, i am shitting myself about this chemo, but not as much as i thought i would be, i know i can't get out of it, so i guess i just have to get used to it and get it over with and hope it's not too bad re side effects for me. My ex BIL is having chemo atm and said to me awhile back that it wasnt too bad, i havent rang him back to ask more because i just have that 'It wasn't too bad' comment swimming around in my head to keep me thinking positively, if it went to shit for him i don't really want to know at this point, maybe after i start but not now

I am such a baby with needles though, so they won't know what hit them with me in their screaming and yelling and hyperventilating, they will have to get used too it because i will never get used to having needles, ever!! had so many over the years and its just as bad every single time for me

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