Monday, August 4, 2008

Argh the pain!!

Feels like someone had ripped the inside of my arm out and grazed it all, and that is exactly what they did! I can feel it all on the inside, the pain is so bad!

I can barely sleep with it, although last night i finally got some sleep but not enough!

Going to my gp later to ask him for some stronger pain killers, panadiene forte isnt even touching it really, very frustrating

So scared about tomorrow, i can handle the lump missing as i can see later when dressed i doubt anyone would tell really, but to have to go back and have it all off would be devastating, of course i want to live first but i hope this thing doesn't fuck me over anymore than it already has!

My gp might of got results from the surgery so maybe able to find out today, will ask him

Anyhow over thinking about it, it's all i friggin think about, but i guess it was only 5 weeks ago when this all started, so early days

Just found a quote to get me through the day 'If your going through hell, keep going'

sounds good and thats what i will do!

need to get some affirmation cards i think


Anonymous said...

I love that quote Belinda... don't ever forget it!

I am so sorry for the battle you are fighting but very proud and amazed by the way you are fighting it. You are a brave and inspiring woman.

Brooke said...

Hey, didn't I write that quote on the card I sent you? I tried to find a magnet with that one :)

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" ...

Belinda said...

Not sure Brooke, can't recall, i will have a look later

bingley bunch not sure who you are but thanks :)

Kris said...

It's just waiting, waiting, waiting isn't it? Love the quote, very apt.

You're right Bel, the world is a good place and many people in this world are rooting for you (well, not literally though I'm sure DH would be happy to oblige LOL) to get through this as unscathed as possible.

Best of luck for tomorrow - all I seem to do these days is say good luck to you! And call you a bitch occasionally pmsl.

(Oh, and the comment up there ^^ about DH rooting for you, I DID mean rooting me, not you. Just thought I'd clear that up.)

Belinda said...

lol Kris and thanks :)

Kyla said...

Best of luck with the results Bel. Love your quote. :)