Friday, August 1, 2008

Late night thoughts

Feeling ok, was pretty bad today, but i done a bit too much, i had the kids running amok while my Mum went out for awhile and they exhausted me, also the numbness is wearing off slowly so the pain is coming, found panadiene forte is helping a lot there, so not so bad

My doctor faxed a script to pharmacy for anti nausea meds, so that was great i didnt have to go there, was just too tired! the nausea was bad though, seems better now but will take another tomorrow, seems worse in the mornings, probably still have drugs in me from hospital

I got more cards today, one from a cousin i haven't seen in many years, so that was nice and another from an internet friend :)

I am so thankful and lucky for those i have around me, i just don't know how it can be done without a solid family and friend base around you? It would drag you down i know that, the little things people do is what keeps me going!

My washing machine died this morning, but again good people come through, my aunty gave me her old one, so was just a minor setback

I am so nervous about this chemo thing, i keep thinking if they did get it all then why am i having it? Well i know why, there could be one cell there waiting to multiple so they want to rid me of anything like that, but what if there are none? would be interested to know the statistics of those who had chemo and those that didnt and the rate of cancer coming back, but i know they are only doing what they think is best so i will just go with what they think in the end

I am going a bit stir crazy being at home though, try to rest but kids are so loud and i feel bad if i go and lay down, not that anyone would care, but i do

So nervous about Tuesday, i have to keep positive though, can't take much more bad news i know that, it has to be good!

Anyhow i am just thankful for all the support and love i am recieving, its amazing really, people do give a shit and the world is a good place, and thats all that matters for now

I am adding a link of the after surgery pic, you can't see anything as i have the rest covered up but look at your own discretion, scary that i have to get all them staples out on tuesday!!

1 comment:

princess pudge said...

*hugs* i had staples when i had my gaul bladder removed many moons ago and for one of my ceasers they used staples! it's a lot like plucking a hair, not really painful but not without feeling. you will do fine, this is nothing compared to everything you've endure to date!

stay brave and strong hun and thanks for sharing the pic.

