Got there at 10am and went to transit lounge, said at the time what a crock that was, naming something like that the transit lounge, I wasn’t going on a fancy trip lol
Anyhow waited and waited and waited!! Finally about 1.30pm got called in, parents left and then they got me to change into gown and funky operation boots and they give you a warmed up blanket, the other people from the other waiting room were in the new waiting room, we all refused to watch ready, steady cook and asked for it to be changed, by this point I would of taken a sandwich out of a little kids had if they walked by! I realised I would be shit at a 40 hour famine as well! Anyhow still waiting and waiting and about 5pm or something I got called for surgery, then I went to another waiting area, was used to the waiting by now though! I would gather that there was some emergencies that come in for it to take so long, anyhow finally it was my turn
They took me into the anenetheologists (crap spelling) room to be sedated, we talked about how I can’t have morphine and how I react a bit to it etc, anyhow then they gave me drip etc, didn’t hurt really, I told him he was good! Then they put a pretty pink hat on me, I said if I was at mcdonalds right now I would give Ronald mcdonald a run for his money!
Then into operating theatre, I remember them saying they were giving me stuff to make me sleepy and pain meds
Then I remember waking up gasping for breath, the girl was talking to me, she said I had reacted to the drugs and was not breathing while I was asleep, so they kept having to wake me up to get me to breath, they gave me morphine!! She said they could reverse it all but I would be in severe pain so was better for it to just work through my body, they gave me fluids in drip I guess as I had one later on me, my family had been ringing constantly but nobody could find out where I was, because I was still in recovery, I remember the girl saying to someone I can’t leave her, she needs to stay here while she is like this, then they took me up to a ward, I was in kids ward as there were no beds available, I heard them say to the staff there that they wanted to put me in a room near reception desk and I heard them say sleep apnea, they put me in the furthest room from the desk, yep thanks for that!
When I arrived my husband was there and I said how did you know I would be here? Doh lol
Anyhow I remember he said to me that he took our youngest son to docs because daycare thought he had foot and mouth something or other, I said fuck tell me about this later, he was fine anyhow and it was just a pimple and a scratch!
My husband offered to stay the night to watch me with my breathing when I said they put me so far away from the nurses, but I said to go home as he had to work in the morning
I had a lovely nurse in the end who ended up staying with me, I remember waking up gasping for breath, was scary! I yelled at lady across from me to shutup snoring lol, I said to nurse is that a man or a woman, why are they snoring so loud? Tell them to shutup lol, poor woman! Although she kept me up the next night as well and she couldn’t wait to tell me that I yelled out in my sleep, pfft for 5 mins compared to her snoring for hours lol
In the end they gave me a morphine tablet, I said to her it’s got morphine in it! But she said I would be fine, so I took that and got some sleep at about 1am or something, so was a huge day! They couldn’t turn my light off because they were monitoring me, so turns out I am allergic to intravenious morphine but can take it in tablet form
I remember too coming back to room and there was a huge bunch of flowers there, I asked the nurse is they were ugly and I was crying saying they are so ugly, we had a laugh the next day about it though, they were beautiful but for some reason I decided I hated them at the time
The next day I was ok, well a lot better than the night before, sore and nauseas the whole time
No pain really though, I have a big cut around right side and one sort of under my arm, but they are both numb so far, hope they stay that way for awhile
Anyhow that’s all I can think of for now, there is probably more but I cant type much more for now
forget to add that i find out on tuesday if they got it all, i hope so, if not then i go back for a mascetomy, if they got it all then chemo will be next, not sure when as yet, probably in the next monthalso forgot to add, my 3 year old said did they get all the bad cells mum and leave the good ones there, i said yes i think so, he said good, was cute lol, he is a smart 3 year old
you're a cracker bel! i just followed your link on soya to here and i'm glad i did, what a journey!
i'm glad surgery went well and i hope they have gotten it all. i'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
unhinged :)
Wow Bel what a day for you
Glad you kept up your sense of Humor, i can actually hear you say those things lol
Fingers crossed for Tuesday an that they got all the bad cell's out.. Gotta love 3yo's hey..
Talk soon no doubt
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